by Roger Smeds | Mar 14, 2018 | latestnews
Another great Sunshine District Convention is in the books. In the International Quartet Preliminary Contest, three quartets won the right to represent the Sunshine District at the 2018 International Quartet competition in July right here in Orlando. Throwback placed...
by Roger Smeds | Mar 14, 2018 | latestnews
One of the great moments of the Sunshine District Spring 2018 Convention was the announcement of Tony De Rosa as our 2017 Barbershopper of the Year (BOTY). Tony DeRosa IS the face of the Sunshine District to the rest of the barbershop-ping world. In our hobby, Tony’s...
by Roger Smeds | Jan 24, 2018 | latestnews
Sunshine District was well represented at the Barbershop Harmony Societies Mid-Winter Convention held in Costa Mesa, CA. In International Seniors Quartet competition, Easy Street quartet brought home 2nd place medals with a score of 1352 points or an average of 75.1%....
by Roger Smeds | Nov 2, 2017 | latestnews
The Sunshine District is in need of new risers! “SUNrisers”, if you will. An anonymous donor has come forward to match dollar for dollar up to the cost of the risers. We will need these as we host BHS International in Orlando in July 2018…but then...
by Roger Smeds | Aug 28, 2017 | latestnews
The Sunshine District is in need of new risers! “SUNrisers”, if you will. We will need these as we host BHS International in Orlando in July 2018…but then they’re ours to use at our conventions. The risers are SICO brand, and are the foldable,...
by Roger Smeds | Aug 21, 2017 | latestnews
In addition to our regular mix of Quartet, Mixed Quartet, VLQ, and Chorus Competitions, this fall will feature Shows on both Friday and Saturday night after the competitions are over. On Friday, the Sunshine District Association of Quartet Champions (SDAQC) show will...