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Leadership Academy 2025

February 8 @ 8:30 am - 3:00 pm



The 2025 Joint Carolinas and Sunshine District Virtual Leadership Academy will be held via Zoom, on Saturday, Feb 8, 2025.  We encourage as many members of the district as are able to attend this free event.  There are lots of fun and interesting classes to choose from, especially if you are a relatively new Barbershopper.

Login available beginning at 8:30 AM. Come visit with old friends or make new ones while you wait for the festivities to begin!



9:00 – 10:00 – Plenary Session: District Officer installation, with a welcome and update from District Presidents, Jeff Osborne (NSC) and Dave Mills (Sunshine) and a special Keynote address given by Society President Steve Denino. We will also hear some highlights of District plans and events for 2025.

10:15-11:15 – Session OneWe are presenting thirteen (13) separate Breakout Sessions.

There are dedicated classes for Chapter Officers including President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership and Music and Performance.  If you are an officer, select your single track at registration. If you are not attending the dedicated officer track, select two classes you would like to take.

Here is the list of non-officer classes offered for 2025:

  • Chorus Directors, taught by NSC’s Don Campbell, the emeritus Dean of Harmony College;
  • Chapter Marketing led by NSC’s Beverly Greene;
  • Youth Outreach led by Sunshine’s Steve Clagg
  • Newsletter Writing by Sunshine’s John Alexander;
  • Generating Revenue from your Annual Show Program led by NSC’s Bob Boone;
  • Barbershop 101 led by NSC’s Justin Slack;
  • How to Put on a Successful Show led by (Faculty TBA); 
  • You’re a District Board Member, What Now? taught by  (TBA)

11:30-12:30-Session Two: All sessions from session one will either be continued or repeated based on demand.

12:45 – until – General Session and Roundtable Discussion – Everyone in both districts are encouraged to attend this session. We will feature an Open Panel Discussion with our Districts Leaders . You will have the opportunity to hear what our leaders have planned for 2025. You will have an opportunity to ask questions of our Districts Officers, get clarity, and share your ideas with us.

Sign Up for Virtual LeadAc here


Virtual Via Zoom


Jack Klotzbach